Dragon Ball Super: The Way of the Super Hero Vegeta and Goku Are Dumb

The fact that the movie Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero focuses on characters besides Goku and Vegeta has garnered praise, yet the movie’s strategy for avoiding them isn’t very convincing.

CAUTION: This article contains SPOILERS for the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero series!

Although Goku and Vegeta’s absence is essential to the plot of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, the insufficient justification offered for why they are unable to assist Piccolo and Gohan in their fight against Dr. Hedo’s new inventions is, in the end, just an excuse for laziness.

The fans of Dragon Ball eventually want more than simply over-the-top action and overall foolishness, despite the fact that the series has never been renowned for offering insightful remarks and complicated narrative lines.

Nevertheless, following the absolute perfection that is Dragon Ball Super: Broly, audiences have grown to anticipate greater things from the series as a whole. 

As a result, everybody coming into Super Hero had extremely high hopes of what it would provide. However, it just guaranteed that there was additional space to allow them to fall when they did.

Despite a handful of problematic moments, Super Hero was a respectable attempt that followed in the footsteps of Broly. One of the most severe of these situations was when Bulma tried to summon Whis on Beerus’ planet to send Goku and Vegeta back to Earth so that they may assist Piccolo in battle, with Dr. Hedo’s newly formed Red Ribbon Army. 

However, her call was not successful in reaching anybody. Even though it is a fascinating challenge, the reason why her effort to contact Whis was unsuccessful is completely ridiculous: an ice cream tub falls onto the top of Whis’s staff, so he doesn’t detect the call.

How Super Hero Might Have Prevented Vegeta & Goku?

The fact that this “progress” has a lot of gaps in it is the only true criticism that can be leveled against this poor period on the surface. Why didn’t Bulma simply keep calling? Why did she hang up?

Why is it that Whis’s employees can’t operate like a phone and receive messages or let him know when he’s missed a call? 

Although these are all valid concerns, the primary issue is that the producers of the movie could have utilized a wide variety of alternate explanations for Whis’s absence during the crucial moment when his phone rang.

One possibility is that the transmission of Bulma’s call was disrupted by something that occurred during the sparring battle between Goku and Vegeta, which was taking place at the same time that Bulma attempted to contact Whis.

This idea piques our interest due to the fact that it would have brought another layer of power to Goku and Vegeta, which would have influenced the way in which their new talents affect the universe. 

Perhaps it is possible that Dr. Hedo’s attempts to construct his androids may have resulted in the creation of a unique energy that in some way interfered with the link between Bulma and Whis.

In spite of the fact that a quick fix was found, the actuality that they were unable to connect was a significant turning point that determined the overall trajectory of the movie. 

Because of this, it was only natural that the reason why they were unable to connect should have been just as significant or substantial.

In addition, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero has yet another absurdly ludicrous incident to fully explain yet another significant gap in the story’s narrative. A memorable scene from Dragon Ball Z was destroyed by Super Hero. 

The scene saw Piccolo using the Dragon Balls to increase his strength, regardless of the fact that he could have just wished Goku and Vegeta back to Earth.

And the excuse that the film’s makers came up with is just as ridiculous as Whis not taking up his cell phone because of a flying ice cream tub: he simply wasn’t thinking about this. 

This is the rationale that the film’s producers came up with. The fact that Goku and Vegeta had an alibi for their absence demonstrates that the movie might have benefited from a little more planning and preparation, despite the fact that Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero has some really unforgettable scenes.